The art of relaxation

— Spaces where you’re free to dream —

Sauna & Spa


The most indescribable fantasy of our customer is the measure of our success. You will be amazed again and again by the visions we can convert into reality. Endless possibilities exist with which to pamper you. You think you have seen it all and that there is nothing left to surprise you. But we are here to astound you once more. We look forward to seeing your personal concepts and desires. Show us your personal concepts and desires. During consultation, you will see your ideas come to life and profit from our many years of experience.

Challenge us, because you are the engine of our creativity. Just wait until you hold the first sketches of our draughtsmen in your hands, and let the design speak for itself. ‘Erdmann – exclusive saunas’ is a manufacturer of high-quality saunas in exceptional and individual designs. For twenty years, we have fulfilled the sauna and spa requests of our most particular customers under the guidance of our woodworkers and the creative mind of Bernd Erdmann.

Everyone rightly has their own personality.
Our claim is the uncompromising individual solution for your project.

— Bernd Erdmann —



Dreams are essential. And they must be attainable. With our craftsmanship, your dreams can become reality. We combine a focus on functionality with creativity. Our vast experience sets us apart.

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Every Erdmann sauna is handcrafted with love. Be assured that our saunas are of the highest quality, long lasting and completed to perfection. You will be surprised by the sensitivity and flexibility with which your vision is converted into reality.


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Erdmann Sauna & Spa GmbH

Taltitzer Straße 29a
08538 Weischlitz / Vogtland (Sachsen)

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